Donate For a Specific Cause
How can I make a donation?
Indian citizens and organizations can donate via the payment gateway, bank transfer or cheque once the mandatory information such as their name, address, PAN number and Aadhard card number has been submitted.
What will the donation be used for?
The donation will only be used to further enable our vision to make Mental Health services affordable and accessible for all individuals around the nation. However, we have ongoing projects for which you can donate specifically.
How much can I donate?
Any amount you wish can be donated to our cause. We appreciate all donations made to the organization.
Is the website safe to make online donations?
It is safe to make online donations on our website. A secure platform for online transactions has been provided to ensure data security and privacy.
Will I receive a tax exemption certificate for my donation?
Upon confirmation of the donation, an 80G tax exemption certificate will be emailed to applicable donors.